Who we are
AbdulBasit Quran Academy, as its name suggests, is an institution of Quranic service, however, it would not be correct to consider it as merely an institution in the general sense, but in fact it is a movement. The movement to attract Muslims to learn Quran and Islamic education.
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Our Refund Policy
Our Refund Policy is also quite simple and easy. We think we are responsible to let our customers know about our refund policy. There are some important key factors which must be noted by our customers. This will keep them updated in this regard and will help them understand our policy better.
Our Refund Policy holds the following key points. They are as mentioned below
- If the classes are yet to be started and the student withdraws before that, then full refund is given to the student without any deductions or charges added
- No refund of fee will take place if the student has attended even one of the classes
- The refund fee is deducted if the student has taken some classes or whatsoever
- The additional amount will be returned to the student as per our refund policy if some classes are missed from our side
- If there is any issue with our tutors being unable to hold the classes, then additional charges will be returned
- The classes can be held by student in case of emergency or any other reason. In these cases, the credit is transferred to the next month for the classes
- Our tutors take leave during the Eid holidays, this is twice a year and is paid
- If the refund cost is more than the fee, no refund will be given
- Our refund policy is as per our terms and conditions
- The public holidays stand as paid leaves for our tutors