Namaz (Prayer) gives us an opportunity to communicate with Allah. For this, at least the translation of Prayers should be necessary for every Muslim. Let’s learn to pray and teach others. Here is the Men’s Method Of Performing Salah (Namaz).
There is a difference between Men’s and Women’s Namaz(Prayer). As I have explained “How to Perform Namaz (For Women) with pictures” in my previous article. And today I am going to share with you “How to Perform Salah (For Men) with pictures step by step guide. If you don’t know, what is the difference between men’s and women’s Namaz (Namaz), after reading this article you will be able to understand difference between women’s and men’s method of performing Salah (Namaz).
Obligatory Act Of Prayer
Obligatory (Farz) Act of Prayer without which Prayer is not complete. Which is very important for every Muslim to know. The compulsory Acts (Farz) of supplication (Salah) are Thirteen. Seven of those Farz are before the Prayer and the other six are during the performance of a Prayer. In the event that one of those acts is excluded, our Prayer gets invalidated. Briefly, those are:
Obligatory (Farz) Act Before The Prayer:
- Cleansing yourself from Visible & invisible spiritual impurity: (making ablution or ghusl bath, or when it is not possible to make them, making tayammum)
- Cleansing your Cloth: At the time of prayer, your clothes should be clean and tidy
- Cleansing your Place :Prayer time, your place of prayer should also be clean and tidy
- Covering of the necessary parts of one’s body: (It is to cover between the navel and knees for a male, and for a female the entire body except face, hands and feet)
- That the time for the prayer should have come: (There is a certain time for each obligatory (Fardh) and wajib prayers. Any prayer performed before its due time is regarded as invalid).
- Facing The Qibla: (Facing the direction of Kaaba when praying. During the prayer, if one turns his chest in any other direction, his prayer becomes null).
- Intention: (Begin by making your intention for the Salah, verbally or silently. This is done in either Arabic or your own language. Say, ‘I intend to pray the ( Number of) Rak‘at of Salaatul ( Name the Salah you performing) for Allah facing the Ka‘bah’.)
Obligatory (Farz) Act During The Prayer:
- Opening Takbir: (Raise your hands up to your earlobes for men, and shoulders for women, whilst saying ‘Allah u Akbar’. This means ′Allah is the Greatest’.)
- Qiyam (Standing): (To stand for a while when praying.)
- Recitation : (Recite any Surah. The minimum recitation is three verses, or one long verse which is equal in length to three short verses.)
- Bowing (Ruku): (In Ruku fingers of both hands should be together and placed on the knees. The ankles of both the feet should be minimum four fingers width.)
- Prostration (Sajdah): (To place on the ground the forehead, the nose, hands, feet, and knees.)
- Final Sitting (Qa’da al-Akhirah): (You have to sit and recite supplication in Arabic known as ‘Attahiyat.)